To prepare electronics for your Arduibag remote control, you need to see this overview schema :
Use KYNAR AW30 wires (very fine wires: less space taken in the case) to connect LEDS, joystick and battery supply to the Bluno Nano.
Important: be careful to provide the correct length of wire to connect these components to the Bluno Nano inside your case!
Below, summaries of pins’ connections :
RIGHT LED connections
LED pin | BLUNO pin |
RED | D5 |
GREEN | D6 |
BLUE | D7 |
LEFT LED connections
LED pin | BLUNO pin |
RED | D8 |
GREEN | D9 |
BLUE | D10 |
Joystick connections
Joystick pin | BLUNO pin |
VCC 5v | +5V |
VRx | A1 (or A0(*)) |
VRy | A0 (or A1(*)) |
SW | D2 |
(*) I find a Keyes Joystick where VRx and VRy were inverted (so you’ll have to try it)
Ok, you are ready to print your own 3D case and insert electronics components…